Redline Archeology Searches For Old Hot Wheels® From The 60s & 70s

Known as “Redlines,” Hot Wheels were first produced by Mattel in 1967 and released in 1968 to the general public. An immediate hit, they brought uncounted hours of joy to millions of children in the late 60s and 70s – and the beloved place they hold in the memories of today’s boomers make Hot Wheels Redline Cars sought after keepsakes of those happy times.

Redline Archeology pays more than reasonable prices for clean Hot Wheels Redline cars, race sets, store displays, prototypes, and accessories. If you were a child of the 60s and 70s and still have your old Hot Wheels cars in storage and want to sell, please call for a free no-obligation estimate.

Your Hot Wheels Redline Cars mean top dollars. Get in touch with us, the premier toy car collector of redline Hot Wheels!

We Want Your Hot Wheels®

Are you downsizing, divorcing, or moving and ready to reduce your belongings? It’s the perfect time to turn your Hot Wheels® into cash.

Your attic may be holding unfound treasure. Are you storing your Hot Wheels® and accessories up there? Turn your overhead into financial gain!

You’re living on top of potential cash. Are you storing your Hot Wheels® down below? Clean out while you clean up. We pay top dollar!

We’re Now Two Books: The Sequel is Released!

Redline Archeology 2: The Dig Continues

The Incredible Follow-Up is Here!

Redline Archeology 2:
The Dig Continues

Included is a bonus feature: a collector’s guide to finding original Hot Wheels® collections. This best-selling book uncovers all the secrets to finding the original Redline Hot Wheels cars and collections from the sixties and seventies. Filled with dozens of photos from Bob’s personal collection — and the stories and experiences of becoming one the world’s premier collectors — now you can take a ride along the orange track and learn from Bob’s expertise.

Amazon Reviews

5 out of 5 Stars Rating!

“Wow! Bob Young scores again with another great book for the redline collecting hobby.”

“Like the Godfather: Part II, the sequel’s even better!”

“This is a must read for anyone interested in collecting items that were an integral part of their childhood.”

redline archeology book on amazon

The Original’s Still a Winner!

Redline Archeology:
A History of Diggin’ Up Original Hot Wheels Collections

It’s the Hot Wheels hobbiest very first book on the secrets to discovering rare, original collections. Written by our chief archeologist, Bob Young recounts the inside story on becoming one of the most unique and successful collectors in the hobby today. Order now at Amazon and own this incredible tell all book.

Amazon Reviews

4.8 out of 5 Stars Composite Rating!

“What a coming of age story to those of us who can relate to growing up in the 1960’s ! It was a time when technology didn’t control our daily lives, we had to actually play with our friends or toys , not our phones. Bob’s stories are humorous and insightful as they relate to both children and adult collectors.”

“An awesome book with an easy read!”

“Reading this book was like having the private conversation you always wanted to have with an expert. Besides bringing me back to my days of building yellow tracks of joy and racing the coolest cars imaginable, I learned so much more!”

We’re a Painting!

A Custom Painting!

Renowned artist, Sir Rodney Bathgate Digs Redline Archeology

The incomparable Sir Rodney Bathgate is one of Australia’s premier artists. From landscapes to hot rods and fanciful scenes, his mastery of the medium is astonishing. “I believe pastel can achieve much more than any other medium in creating alluring scenes. Even today my desire to discover more about this ever-changing subject grows more and more,” says Sir Rodney.

Commissioned to capture the passion and joy of discovering Redline Hot Wheels®, Sir Rodney put his considerable talent to work for Redline Archeology and our chief archeologist, Bob Young.

Another masterpiece by Sir Rodney Bathgate for Redline Archeology
Close up on some painting details

Dig Our Blog!

Selling your Childhood Hot Wheels Collection

So, you’ve finally dug your old Hot Wheels out of your basement, attic, or storage, but you’re now wondering if these little gems have any value, and, if so, how can you find out.  Well, you’ve certainly come to the right place.  REDLINE…
Are Your Hot Wheels Worth Money?

Are Your Hot Wheels Worth Money?

The question I get asked most often when initially discussing someone’s childhood collection of old Hot Wheels, “Are my Hot Wheels worth money?”  My textbook answer that I normally default to is, “Some are valuable Hot Wheels and some…
A Day in the Life of a Redline Archeologist

A Day in the Life of a Redline Archeologist

Collectors and people alike always ask me “How do you consistently do it?”, “How does it work?” and the question most frequently asked is…“What’s a day in the life of a Redline Archeologist look like?” Well, since everyone…

Redline Archeology in the News

Watch Bob Young give a tour of the amazing Redline Archeology collection on Philly’s Channel 17 “Weekend Philler”

Watch Bob appraise the collection of Philly’s Channel 17 “Weekend Philler” host Tony Romeo

Watch Bob Young talk about Redlines and more on CW’s “Unplugged!”

Watch CBS 8’s feature story on the Bob Young Redline Collection!

Where’s Your Hidden Treasure?

What treasures are collecting dust in your attic? We’ve uncovered some of the most owner-lucrative ’60s/’70s Hot Wheels® collections in long forgotten attic spaces.

Storing long-forgotten ’60s/’70s Hot Wheels® collections in basements has been a trove of value for our clients.

The great memories you made as children playing with your beloved 1960s/1970s Hot Wheels® now can bring you a great return.

Video Tours of Our Collections

Take the Tucson Tour

Just some of the highlights from the TUCSON, AZ collection. Enjoy!

Take the Carrier Mills Tour

Here’s the latest collection out of Carrier Mills, Illinois dug up by REDLINE ARCHEOLOGY. “It’s all about THE HUNT!”

Take the Phoenix Tour

Most recent childhood collection dug up by REDLINE ARCHEOLOGY. This collection came out of Phoenix, Arizona. Mint loose Tune Up Tower as well!

Take a Quick Tour of the Collection

Just a quick tour of the ever growing collection!

Take the Windsor Tour

Our latest discovery out of Windsor, Colorado. Unearthed after 40+ years in storage.

Take an Early Tour

Here’s a tour of the collection as it began.

Recent Collectibles Bought

About Our Founder

Our Founder

Our Founder

Bob Young has been digging up and collecting Redline Hot Wheels® for over 30 years.

Bob first Hot Wheel

The “Silhouette”

Bob Young’s first Hot Wheel® was The Silhouette, one of the cars released in the 1968 Hot Wheels “Sweet Sixteen” series.

Bob Young

Bob Young

A Hot Wheels® Redline expert, Bob not only discovers collections, he arranges for top dollar be paid to their owners.

Hot wheels convention

Hot Wheels® Convention

Bob Young would love to meet you at this year’s Hot Wheels national collectors’ convention.

Why Dig Redline Archeology?


Our depth of experience and knowledge – from 30 years of discovering and collecting Redline Hot Wheels® – means we know the value and can offer the best prices for your precious collectibles.


In addition to paying top dollar for your collection, we pay a Finder’s Fee to any collection you recommend we ultimately acquire, ensuring you a financial benefit with added rewards.


We’ve been collecting Redline Hot Wheels® for over 30 years and have built a reputation for fairness in business and reliable transactions.


We know your collection is an extension of your past. We know because these were our childhood memories, too. We treat all collections with the awe and respect they deserve.

Redline Archeology

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